sábado, 30 de enero de 2016

Hongmoon Coins - Blade and Soul Latino

Como conseguirlas?
Tenga en cuenta que la siguiente información no incluye encuestas, eventos, tablas de vuelta, y misiones que no se puede repetir una y otra vez, ya que la información no es útil si su objetivo es la granja con este tema, o para adquirir lo más rápido posible .

Una vez que tenga su  VENTURE TOKEN usted tendrá que obtener 10 Dragonstones. Éstos se pueden comprar en la tienda de miembro de la prima que se encuentra en su inventario. Cuestan 1 de plata cada uno.


Una vez que usted tiene 10  Dragonstones y su VENTURE TOKEN, simplemente haga clic derecho su ficha y haga clic en dragon express en la siguiente ventana que aparece y usted conseguirá sus monedas Hongmoon!

¿Dónde puedo usar mis monedas Hongmoon?
Como se dijo anteriormente, las monedas Hongmoon se utilizan en la tienda Hongmoon igual que los sustantivos se usan sin embargo, debe hacer clic en la segunda pestaña se encuentra en la parte superior derecha de la ventana de la tienda Hongmoon. Ver la imagen de abajo para obtener más información.

Hongmoon Coins

Donde conseguir cofres con VENTURE TOKEN

Usted puede obtener este artículo al abrir el contenedor siguiente:

Acontinuacion estas son las quest que te daran 

Dokumo, Queen of the Spiders

Moonwater Plains > The Highland Necropolis

You can get a Hall of Ogong Reward Chest by completing the following quest:
If You Come At the King, You Best Not Miss

Moonwater Plains > Lycandi Foothills

You can get a Cinderlands Reward Chest by completing the following quest:
Hero Worship

The Cinderlands > Tomun Range

You can get a Cinderlands Reward Chest by completing the following quest:
The Looming Threat

The Cinderlands > Tomun Range

You can get a Cinderlands Reward Chest by completing the following quest:
Hungbu and the Swallow

The Cinderlands > Tomun Range

You can get a Cinderlands Reward Chest by completing the following quest:
Holding Out for a Hero

The Cinderlands > Tomun Range

You can get a Cinderlands Reward Chest by completing the following quest:
Dismantling the Cult

The Cinderlands > Tomun Range

You can get a Cinderlands Reward Chest by completing the following quest:
Vanquish the Horrible Night

The Cinderlands > Tomun Range

You can get a Cinderlands Reward Chest by completing the following quest:
Scavenger Sabotage

The Cinderlands > The Scorching Sands

You can get a Cinderlands Reward Chest by completing the following quest:
Notes from the Past

The Cinderlands > The Scorching Sands

You can get a Cinderlands Reward Chest by completing the following quest:
Ancient Relic

The Cinderlands > The Scorching Sands

You can get a Large Cinderlands Reward Chest by completing the following quest:
More Power

The Cinderlands > The Scorching Sands

You can get a Large Cinderlands Reward Chest by completing the following quest:
The Call to War

The Cinderlands > The Scorching Sands

You can get a Large Cinderlands Reward Chest by completing the following quest:
Encroaching Shadows

The Cinderlands > The Scorching Sands

You can get a Large Cinderlands Reward Chest by completing the following quest:
Dokgo Breaking my Heart

The Cinderlands > The Scorching Sands

You can get a Large Cinderlands Reward Chest by completing the following quest:
Where the Yes Men Play

The Cinderlands > The Scorching Sands

You can get a Large Cinderlands Reward Chest by completing the following quest:
Caged Beasts

The Cinderlands > The Scorching Sands

You can get a Large Cinderlands Reward Chest by completing the following quest:
The Deva Awakens

The Cinderlands > The Scorching Sands

You can get a Large Cinderlands Reward Chest by completing the following quest:
Steadfast Surveillance

The Cinderlands > Razorwing Ravine

You can get a Large Cinderlands Reward Chest by completing the following quest:
Deathless Dance

The Cinderlands > Razorwing Ravine

You can get a Large Cinderlands Reward Chest by completing the following quest:
A Worthy Prize

The Cinderlands > Razorwing Ravine

You can get a Large Cinderlands Reward Chest by completing the following quest:

The Cinderlands > Razorwing Ravine

You can get a Large Cinderlands Reward Chest by completing the following quest:
The Write Stuff

The Cinderlands > Razorwing Ravine

You can get a Large Cinderlands Reward Chest by completing the following quest:
The Plog Prince

The Cinderlands > Spirestone Canyons

You can get a Large Cinderlands Reward Chest by completing the following quest:
Every Dog Has His Daily

The Cinderlands > Spirestone Canyons

You can get a Large Cinderlands Reward Chest by completing the following quest:
Oh Brotherhood, Where Art Thou?

The Cinderlands > Spirestone Canyons

You can get a Large Cinderlands Reward Chest by completing the following quest:
A Dash of Danger

The Cinderlands > Spirestone Canyons

You can get a Large Cinderlands Reward Chest by completing the following quest:
Alter the Champion

The Cinderlands > Spirestone Canyons

You can get a Large Cinderlands Reward Chest by completing the following quest:
Mind if I Grimhorn In?

The Cinderlands > Spirestone Canyons

You can get a Large Cinderlands Reward Chest by completing the following quest:
Warchief Hakan

The Cinderlands > Spirestone Canyons

You can get a Large Cinderlands Reward Chest by completing the following quest:
The Eyes of Samja

The Cinderlands > Spirestone Canyons

You can get a Large Cinderlands Reward Chest by completing the following quest:
Disturbing the Dead

The Cinderlands > Spirestone Canyons

You can get a Large Cinderlands Reward Chest by completing the following quest:
Alternative Medicine

The Cinderlands > Spirestone Canyons

You can get a Tomb of the Exiles Reward Chest by completing the following quest:
Into the Tomb

The Cinderlands > Razorwing Ravine

You can get a Large Moonwater Reward Chest by completing the following quest:
Shinyon's Legacy

Moonwater Plains > Misty Woods

You can get a Large Moonwater Reward Chest by completing the following quest:
Might and Mane

Moonwater Plains > Misty Woods

You can get a Large Moonwater Reward Chest by completing the following quest:
Riled Hunt

Moonwater Plains > Misty Woods

You can get a Large Moonwater Reward Chest by completing the following quest:
The Rising Tide of Darkness

Moonwater Plains > Misty Woods

You can get a Large Moonwater Reward Chest by completing the following quest:
Far Worse Things

Moonwater Plains > Misty Woods

You can get a Large Moonwater Reward Chest by completing the following quest:
The Bastion Must Not Fall

Moonwater Plains > Misty Woods

You can get a Large Moonwater Reward Chest by completing the following quest:
Hard Corps Raiding

Moonwater Plains > Misty Woods

You can get a Large Moonwater Reward Chest by completing the following quest:
Ungsum's Hero

Moonwater Plains > Misty Woods

You can get a Brightstone Ruins Reward Chest by completing the following quest:
The Lords of Ruin

Moonwater Plains > Misty Woods

Derechos de  
Esta es una versión en español para jugadores latinos

Clan - LosGuerreros Z 
Lider- AfroAlien 
Servidor- Yehara

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